Friday, August 2, 2013

The Last One

Dear readers,

This is the very last post from The Small-Town Girl. From the growing number of page views, I have noticed that some of you still come back to read sometimes, even though I haven't written in months. I am not sure whether you come hoping I've written again, or just come back to read the old posts; but regardless of that, Im forever grateful for your faith in me.

198 posts later, I feel I've come a long, long way. Having started as a sophomore in college, to having received my graduation degree, I have certainly survived a lot. You have witnessed 3 years of my problems, happiness, love, pain and sometimes utter nonsense. You have all read through what I ate in the day, what songs I heard, how much I pined to be with someone I couldn't to how much I wanted to leave my own self behind. Over three years, I have lost a boyfriend, found new friends, found a guy who genuinely cares about me to losing many of those old friends too. Although just as I had wished, I don't feel that I have any serious regrets. The way I look at it, is that its been one heck of a journey.

I have taken off all the previous 198 posts from this blog because I think its time to end this chapter now. I have been brave enough to share some of the deepest and scariest phases of my life, and in a way, this blog has given me a medium for catharsis. But I believe that you cannot begin something new without closing what you don't, and can't, have anymore.

I'm headed to a new country in 6 weeks, to commence a new chapter in my life. Its going to more challenging, and hopefully more rewarding too. I am thoroughly looking forward to it.

Today, I am battling my own ironical diagnosis, fighting the odds each day counting on my friends and family to help me get through this. I have infinite faith in God's divine abilities and my own compassion and hard work, so I know I will survive this too.

A new blog, a new face, a new name is already in the making, and I hope someday you can all come across it too. If anyone of you has ever been touched by my writing, please never forget that I am always here for you. Of all people, I understand when you just need an outsider to hear, not judge or advice, but just as an absorbent to help the weight on your heart and shoulders feel lighter.

With lots of love, luck and wishes,

Signing out for the last time,
